
Next Generation Load board (NGLTM) is the most advanced FreightTech solution available on the market today.

NGLTM deploys Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies and innovation in
hardware, mobile applications, software and decision-support.

  • NGL™ offers “No Contact” Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies and innovation in FreightTech, shipping, brokerage, LTL & TL, and short-haul traditional and transformative air vehicle and autonomous drone design and operations.

  • Our Freight Management System (FMS) provides significant value to shippers, brokers, carriers, and receivers by streamlining the shipping process, optimizing costs, enhancing visibility, offering competitive rate recommendations, and automating carrier selection, rate confirmation, proof-of-delivery, and payment. Empowering all vested parties throughout the supply chain with superior customer service ultimately leads to increased efficiency, best cost and schedule, customer satisfaction, and repeat engagements.

  • NGL™ is the unique result from combining investments in Artificial Intelligence, five generations of advanced in-vehicle electronics, hundreds of thousands of engineering and programming hours, and proven management through execution of one million LTL and TL shipments and operator experience over 500 million miles.

  • NGL™ meets today’s challenges and is positioned for the future of logistics through its applications in full autonomy, beginning with order placement and concluding with destination delivery. Accomplishing this goal requires advances in Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, software, IoT sensors, and robotics. Current approaches consist of complex system integration of disparate technologies which are costly, time consuming, and not easily adaptable to dynamic market changes.

  • NGL™ offers a disruptive model in freight management through its proprietary AI-powered logistics SaaS and robotics platform that automates Real-Time Transportation Visibility Platform (RTTVP), digital dispatching, and enterprise management from order placement through delivery and payment. In addition, NGL™ is the only available technology solution that seamlessly supports the early operations and supply chain expansion of FAA Part 135 short haul air carriers and autonomous VTOL drones.

  • NGL™ further disrupts the land carrier logistics industry by significantly reducing and potentially eliminating first and last mile carrier transportation. As a growth market initiative, NGL™ solutions are provisioned to support freight carrier management by helicopter, fixed wing, autonomous drones, and transformative electric and sustainable powered VTOL short-haul aircraft. Currently, NGL™ solutions are managing FAA Part 135 air transport operations for passenger and freight fee-for-service deliveries in the Northeast United States.